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Advantages of Getting an International Degree in Nepal

Advantages of getting an international degree in Nepal

Presidential Business School (PBS) is an academic institution founded in 2011 AD, with the objective of establishing itself as a model center for quality education in Nepal. PBS is affiliated with Westcliff University, USA. Westcliff University is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), a regional accreditation body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (ED), the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), a private nonprofit national organization that coordinates accreditation activity in the United States and Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), a standard of excellence with an accreditation process based on the Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence.

1. Regional Accreditation

The placement of your institution is just as significant as the degree you get. Some institutions are recognized nationally, while others are accredited regionally. Students considering college should look into the accreditation of the colleges they intend to attend. Regionally certified colleges and universities are more widely accepted and transferable than nationally accredited ones. Westcliff University offered by PBS is registered as regionally accredited and have the most widely accepted credit transfer, which gives students the flexibility to transfer community college credits to a university or to relocate if necessary.


The Certification Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) is a U.S organization based in the United States that provides accreditation to business schools and programs that focus on teaching and learning. The ACBSP focuses on measurable learning outcomes and quality improvement, which is particularly important as the workforce demands change. The ACBSP is known for its emphasis on teaching approaches. Excellent instruction by experienced and trained personnel is required in schools. They also encourage schools to do regular and ongoing research. ACBSP is committed to ensuring that a significant component of accreditation is the provision of high-quality education to our students. Westcliff University offered by PBS is accredited by ACBSP.

3. Library Information Resource Network

Westcliff University's e-library database, Library Information Resource Network, is also available to PBS students (LIRN). More than 80 million scholarly journals, articles, periodicals, books, encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, and audio and video clips are available through LIRN's online library. Students at Westcliff University are encouraged to use LIRN in their university studies. Students may now do a study on a variety of topics and get access to over 200000 research articles.

4. Research-Based Learning

The actual definition of smart learning is practical, analytical, and research-based learning guided by our professional academicians who can inspire our students to study differently but more effectively. Our faculty members act as facilitators, encouraging students to take charge of their own education. This is because we place a premium on conceptual clarity and the application of information and abilities to real-world problem-solving. In this quickly changing world, we highlight the need of up-to-date learning since information becomes obsolete as reality changes. Working together, leading, following, and understanding others can only be improved if learning is not confined to information acquisition but extends beyond that.

5. Curriculum

Presidential Business School currently offers four different programs. Bachelors of Business Administration, Bachelors of Science in Information Technology, Masters of Business Administration, Masters of Science in Information Technology. These four Westcliff University degrees offered by PBS adheres to a global standard of curriculum to garner international recognition while it still embraces local business and managerial values. The curriculum is created following extensive study by professionals, who study the industry's demands and requirements as they create the curriculum. As it is research based, each student's response is unique.

At Presidential we focus on providing opportunities to learn, reflect and grow which enhances individual well-being of our students. An international degree is a fantastic alternative for anyone who can't or doesn't want to go abroad right now. The international degree is a research-based program that prepares students to address problems and be the problem solvers.

If you have confusion our team is always available to provide you guidance and answer your questions.

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