4 min

5 Skills I have learned from studying MBA at PGS

Studying MBA at PGS has been a turning point in my life as it equipped me with life lessons and enrichment skills. It helps me to improve my confidence and self-esteem. Since the PGS offers academic programs at Westcliff University, this international degree helped me to achieve academic excellence and global success at an affordable cost.    

Table Of Contents:

Why an MBA at PGS?

5 Skills I have learned from studying MBA at PGS




Teamwork and collaboration

Time Management



Why an MBA at PGS?

PGS offers affordable and quality education with opportunities that align with your professional, personal, and developmental goals. Here are some reasons why I choose to study MBA at PGS.

Industry Experts Faculty Member

The industry experts' faculty members bring a wealth of knowledge, skills, and experiences to the classroom. They continuously maintain the balance between high standards of education and advancing skills in the educational field. Creating a fresh and new teaching approach helped me prepare for real-world difficulties. Their excellent knowledge has improved students' academic performance and landed their dream job.

Dynamic Learning Environment

The dynamic learning environment opens collaborative spaces for personal growth and development. It helps to meet students' needs by providing opportunities to enhance existing skills and interests. Since students feel safe in a dynamic learning environment and engage them actively in learning. The use of a variety of technology and resources promotes student engagement and maximizes their learning. In general, a dynamic learning environment supports more effective teaching and learning to meet the evolving needs of students. 

Skill-Based Training and Workshops

PGS continuously conducts skill-based training and workshops and prepares its students for today's fast-paced and ever-changing job market. It helps me to strengthen my weaknesses and acquire new skills. When students get upskilled they automatically feel confident, happy, and motivated to achieve life goals. Meeting new people through workshops and seminars provides an opportunity to expand their network. Networking helps students to advance their careers and professional life.

5 Skills I have learned from studying MBA at PGS

Skill development boosts academic success and builds the confidence to apply the gained knowledge and skills to real-life situations. Let’s explore the 5 skills I have learned from studying MBA at PGS.


Leadership skills help students make wise decisions and acquire self-confidence. It helps me to know my self-worth. I feel it helps me to grow both personally and professionally. Not only in student life these leadership skills prepare me to face the challenges in the workplace. Leadership skills improve productivity, decrease mistakes, and increase efficiency in the workplace. It helps individuals to outdo their work and every aspect of their lives by expressing confidence in their abilities. 


Studying MBA at PGS helps me to improve my communication. Clear and concise communication is essential for any student to achieve success in academics and life. Having strong communication skills helps to excel in both personal and professional life. Good communication skills help you to succeed in a career by helping you land an interview and pass the selection process.


Problem-solving skills help students to solve their problems and will provide them with skills useful in every area of their life. It helps students deal with the complexity of life, address challenges of life, and advance in academic and career success. In general, problem-solving skills help to be independent, achieve challenging goals, decide on their own, and equip them with skills needed in every area of their life. 

Teamwork and collaboration

Teamwork and collaboration help students to work more efficiently and produce high-quality outcomes. It is not only advantageous for your future career but also helps you to shine academically. They also learn to be a member of a team. Outside of college, in the working world, these skills can be effective in achieving a company’s goals. It makes you a better candidate for any position in the workplace and adapts to a rapidly changing world.

Time Management

As the saying time waits for no one, time management is an important skill I learned while studying MBA at PGS. Time management skills help to prioritize your work and help to achieve goals faster. It also reduces stress, boosts your confidence, and offers improved career opportunities. Proper time management allows students to focus more on learning and prepares them for future challenges.


My journey of studying MBA at PGS provided me with a valuable opportunity to learn new skills needed to shine in the business world and personal life. PGS not only focuses on providing quality education but also supports skill development. They provide an international degree in Nepal with a supportive learning environment that helps students develop skills to succeed academically, professionally, and personally.


What are skills you can learn studying MBA at PGS?

Studying MBA at PGS equipped students with leadership, communication, problem-solving, time management, teamwork, and collaboration skills. 


Does PGS provide scholarships?

PBS provides scholarship facilities based on Merit, Needy, and special Government recommendations.


Which is the best college to pursue an MBA in Nepal?

Presidential Graduate School affiliated with Westcliff University offers a diverse MBA course to help students to achieve academic and career success.

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